ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – Two local school districts are featured in a national magazine’s education series.

The districts are talking about it online as an earned honor, but FOX 2 learned the spots are paid for.

Ladue Schools website says it’s “earned a proud spotlight” in Newsweek’s Education Series.

And St. Louis County Special School District, which serves special needs students in the region, writes on the front page of its website that it’s “proud to announce that our superintendent, Dr. Michael Maclin, has been featured in a recent issue of Newsweek.”

The districts don’t tell you about the small print at the end of the education series where it says, “This report has been paid for by a third party.”

Parent Robin Bruns commented, “It makes me go, ‘Hmmmm.’”

Bruns says that’s why it’s important to dig deeper.

“Where’s the money coming from, and who’s behind it all? Because you want the school to be picked out because of their merit, not because of somebody paying,” she said.

The education series says it’s part of a partnership between a company called Pangea Globe and Newsweek. Neither company responded to our emails or phone calls.

FOX 2 wanted to know how much it cost and whether your tax dollars were used. No one from SSD would agree to talk on camera, but a spokesperson told us, “SSD did not pay any fees for the publication. Upon learning that a fee was required, Dr. Maclin personally covered the cost.”

The district has not answered how much.

Ladue Schools responded that the district paid about $10,000 out of its communications and marketing budget and was thrilled to be showcased on a national platform, which a district spokesperson says is generating interest from families internationally who may move to our area.

Bruns says she’ll decide which school is best for her little one when she buys her next home and talks to neighbors about their experiences.