NORMANDY, Mo. – A scary scene unfolded in Normandy after a school bus caught fire and slammed into a home Monday.

Laura Williams was playing with her eight-year-old daughter outside when neighbors started screaming to them about a bus on fire.

“(The bus) started smoking out the windows. So (the bus driver) was able to jump off the bus and next thing you know, the bus started rolling back towards down this way,” Williams said.

She quickly grabbed her daughter and rushed inside.

“The house shook, and everything started coming down and the bus was right there. We was able to get out the side door,” she said.

Williams credits a car sitting in their driveway for preventing a worse impact.

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Ayanna Whittier, another resident of the home, rushed home from work, having no idea what to expect upon arrival.

“It just felt like someone took my legs from me, because all I could do was hit the ground because I could have lost my family. We lost pretty much everything, but I could have lost my family. I’m just glad that everybody got out,” she said.

Red Cross is assisting the family with a place to stay Tuesday evening, but the family is unsure of what’s next.

“We’re just going hour by hour; we can’t even go day by day right now. We have to go hour by hour and we’re just praying for the best right now,” Whittier said.

To donate to the family’s GoFundMe, click here.