ST. CLAIR, Mo. — A second grade class at St. Clair Elementary School is participating in a project called ‘Love Makes the World Go Round,’ aiming to receive Valentines from all 50 states and other countries throughout February.
The project encourages people from across the United States and beyond to send Valentine cards to the students, who will place a heart on a giant map for each card received. The initiative is designed to foster a sense of connection and excitement among the children as they eagerly await Valentines from diverse locations.
Mary Orsbon, who is actively involved in the project, expressed her hopes for widespread participation, saying, “Please help our second grade kiddos meet their goal of getting a Valentine card from every state!”
Valentines should be sent to:
2nd Grade Class C/O St. Clair Elementary School
895 Bardot Street
St. Clair, MO 63077
The project will run throughout the entire month of February, allowing ample time for cards to arrive and be displayed. The ‘Love Makes the World Go Round’ project not only aims to fill a map with hearts but also to bring joy and a sense of belonging to the students involved. As Mary Orsbon noted, “They live for this!”
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