ST. LOUIS – Residents in the Holly Hills neighborhood may notice a spring cleanup in their neighborhood involving colorful fire hydrants.

Brooks Goedeker, board chair of the Holly Hills Special Business District, is leading the project that is bringing planters, flowers, and colorful displays to neighbors and visitors.

“The fire hydrants—77 of them—are being painted and what you’ll see next are planter beds being put in for landscaping, new light pole banners, and entry markers,” he said.

The neighborhood is preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary and Carondelet Park is celebrating its 150th year mark. Community leaders have come in, ready to give it a refresh, according to Goedeker.

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The special business district generates around $400,000 yearly. The money is divided into thirds for safety and security, landscaping, and public infrastructure improvements. The community approved a real estate tax, which aided in getting city approval and planning for the project.

“Holly Hills to us is just a really special place to live and visit and lots of people come to Carondelet Park and we just want to make it great for the next century,” Goedeker said.

Visitors can already see the colored fire hydrants popping up around the neighborhood.