ST. LOUIS –The man charged with the fatal shooting of St. Louis Officer Tamarris Bohannon and wounding another officer might receive his verdict today. Closing arguments were presented yesterday in the murder trial of Thomas Kinworthy.

Kinworthy’s defense argues that he is mentally ill and was not aware of his actions when he shot the officers. Dr. Rachel Springman, a forensic psychologist who examined Kinworthy, testified in court. She mentioned that Kinworthy seemed to be performing during their first meeting.

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“He was pacing around the room, crouching, dramatically looking over his shoulder, immediately making statements that his food was being poisoned, that people were after him, and that he was hearing voices. I’ve worked for 12 years in patient psychiatric hospital, I’ve conducted almost 1,300 forensic evaluations of individuals, many of whom have severe mental illness and that presentation was atypical for someone with serious mental illness,” said Dr. Rachel Springman

Dr. Springman also noted that Kinworthy had previously been in prison in Missouri during his twenties, where he did not receive any mental health treatment or diagnosis. Additionally, she testified that Kinworthy showed no signs of mental health issues during his time in prison in Florida.