ST. LOUIS – A man and a woman were confronted with knives and a sledgehammer in an attempted robbery, which occurred in the 8500 block of Mora Lane yesterday, Feb. 4.

Witnesses, a woman, 52, and a man, 41, told officers that a man, 53, confronted the woman — accusing her of stealing. According to police, the suspect allegedly assaulted the woman, stole her phone and also threatened the 41-year-old man if he intervened.

Witnesses say the man sat on top of the stairs, attempting to prevent the two from escaping.

However, both were able to escape from the suspect and get help, which prompted officers to arrive at the 8500 block of Mora Lane and arrest the 53-year-old for robbery.

The Circuit Attorney’s Office has issued charges against the man, which include two counts of kidnapping, robbery and armed criminal action.