FARLEY, Mo. (WDAF) — In August, Missouri Coast Fisheries out of Farley, Missouri, found a creative way to catch invasive silver carp, and were able to use that technology in both the Platte and Missouri rivers.

Co-founders Greg Trial and Jim Finke have been able to turn the silver carp into sustainable local products, like pet treats, fertilizer, and more.

On Saturday, the company celebrated its first line of dog treats hitting the shelves: Barley’s Premium Dog Treats are now for sale at the Pet Stop in Shawnee, Kansas.  

“It’s a matter of pride and an awesome opportunity for us to work with small businesses in the community,” Trial told Nexstar’s WDAF. “It’s a dream come true for us.”

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The treats, named after Trial’s dog, Barley, are made from silver carp, an invasive species of carp that has been reported in 20 states.

“Fish treats are actually super good for their skin and their coat. It’s got good oils in it,” said Dylan Breedlove with The Pet Stop.

“Especially this time of year, where the air gets really dry and dog skin starts to dry out, it’s nice to be able to have a treat like that. It sort of revitalizes the skin and puts the oil back in and keeps everybody happy, healthy, and not scratching.”

The sale of their treats is just the beginning of the success Trial and Finke have had since August.

“It went from 0 to 60 almost overnight,” Trial described.

The company has purchased two more boats and are developing more products to come to market soon. Most importantly, they’ve been cleared to keep catching silver carp.

“We’ve extended our contract for another six months starting in March with Missouri Department of Conservation,” Trial said. “And we’re also fishing the Missouri River with a little bit of a subsidy from the federal government to help us out.”

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According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, silver carp have been found not only in the Missouri River, but in the Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee, and Cumberland rivers, as well as many tributaries.

The sale of the treats also allows Trial and Finke to give back to charitable causes they care about — in this case, local animal shelters.

“I think that’s really what business is all about. It’s not all about just putting a profit in your pocket and taking. A lot of it is giving back,” Trial said.

“We need to be able to get some of these pets home, especially for the holidays.”