ST. LOUIS – The head of the Missouri Department of Transportation praised residents for staying home on Monday in the aftermath of the winter storm. But he’s asking Missourians for more patience and to avoid traveling for the rest of the day while MoDOT crews clear major roads and highways.

MoDOT Director Ed Hassinger said crews are working around the clock, but drifting snow, below-freezing temperatures, and ice have proved challenging.

According to Hassinger, the northern half of Missouri—north of Interstate 70—received eight inches to more than a foot of snow, with some areas of northwest Missouri receiving nearly two feet.

Heavy snow is still present on entrance and exit ramps, as well as outer roads and non-interstate areas, Hassinger said. If you do venture out and get stuck, you’re advised to stay in your vehicle for your own safety.

“Thank you to Missourians for heeding the warnings and staying off the roads during the storm,” he said. “We need continued patience over the next couple of days as crews keep working to clear off the snow and clear downed trees from the ice.”

The sub-freezing temperatures reduce the effectiveness of chemicals and other materials used to clear the roads.

The transportation department has more than 1,500 snow trucks operating across the state and crews working 12-hour shifts.

“Our team will continue to work around the clock, and we are shifting staff from the southern parts of the state to the north to help continue to dig out from this major storm,” Hassinger said.

Missouri road conditions are available 24/7 on MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map at on desktop and mobile devices. Drivers can also find road conditions by following MoDOT on Facebook and X or by calling 888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636) to speak with a customer service representative. Motorists can dial the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s emergency number *55 to reach the nearest troop headquarters.