SUNSET HILLS, Mo. — Missouri conservation agents are tracking a bear cub in St. Louis County. It is believed to be the same one seen near Eureka, Ballwin, and Kirkwood recently.

“It is a bear cub so please resist the urge to try to pick it up and hold it. It’s awfully cute but probably not a good idea. 🐻” write Sunset Hills police on Facebook.

Image of the bear cub posted by Sunset Hills Police to Facebook Sunday

If you see the bear, don’t approach it. The Missouri Department of Conservation says that you should back away slowly with arms raised, speak calmly, don’t turn your back, and walk away slowly. Any black bear sightings should be reported to the Department of Conservation online.

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The Kirkwood Police Department also warns residents to leave the bear alone, and keep an eye on pets and children. They stress that the bear should not be cornered and must be given an escape route.

Bears are typically active in Missouri during this time of year. The Missouri Department of Conservation reports increased black bear sightings in the St. Louis metro region, with the state’s bear population growing by 8% annually. This rise in population makes encounters in populated areas like St. Louis and St. Charles counties more likely.

During late spring and early summer, young bears search for food, while adult males travel long distances to find mates. Although bears are not typically aggressive, they require a lot of calories and are highly motivated to find food. The MDC warns against feeding bears, as this can lead to dangerous human-bear interactions and potential property damage, ultimately resulting in the bear being euthanized.

Missourians can report bear sightings and submit pictures of the animals at For more information on black bears in Missouri, visit