ST. LOUIS – One 81-year-old is seeing results after receiving an $8,000 bill from MSD.
Margaret Starks was looking after her home as well as her late father’s home when she received the large MSD bill, leaving her confused.
FOX 2 was able to step in and help, lowering her bill from $8,000 to $4,000.
“I guess they feel like I was old, feeble-minded. I hate to say that, but I feel that’s the way they felt,” Starks said. “They see that the community is concerned about the senior citizens… and we’re just not going to take it…at least I feel like they’re trying.”
MSD spokeswoman Bess McCoy says there is room to help others.
“We have a customer assistance program in place…(the) program will cut those bills in half if you’ve never participated in it before and have delinquent bills, we’ll also cut those in half as well,” McCoy said. “We do know that about 30,000 of our customers are eligible for the program, but unfortunately, we only have about 5,000 enrolled. We would love to see that number a lot closer to 30,000.”