ST. LOUIS – Law enforcement and community leaders are joining forces in an effort to get drivers to slow down.
The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis and the Regional Business Council announced a new campaign Thursday geared towards raising awareness of traffic deaths due to speeding drivers in the city and county.
Two mangled cars sat on display as a reminder to drivers. Jagis Staten and her husband were on a motorcycle two years ago when they were hit by a vehicle head on.
“We both ended up having concussions; my arm was broke, my leg,” Staten said. “There’s no communication from my foot to my hip—my life has changed.”
Donald Nolan’s little sister was killed by a speeding driver. She was three years old.
“A car was speeding up the street, and she stumbled off the curb,” he said. “It was a one way and… the car came up and hit her…she didn’t make it.”
According to Urban League, research shows more than 40% of traffic deaths in Missouri between 2017 and 2021 involved speeding. St. Louis alone accounted for 107 deaths in 2021.
The initiative is focused on specific neighborhoods where speeding is frequent.
“It’s not gun violence; it’s vehicular violence,” James Clark from Urban League said. “As we began to talk about it in our staff meetings over a year ago, we knew we had to have a response for it
The top speeding corridors include W. Florissant Avenue in St. Louis City and Dellwood, U.S. Highway 367, Halls Ferry Road, and Chambers Road.
“Most of the serious accidents and fatal accidents that we deal with involve speeding and wreckless driving. It has to come to an end at some point,” Kenneth Gregory, chief at _______, said.