ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – The clock is ticking on a proposed $46 million law enforcement center that is planned to be built in Maryland Heights.

State Senator Brian Williams of District 14 wrote a letter to County Executive Sam Page and the County Council Tuesday, asking what the holdup was. The police facility would be partly funded with $23 million in ARPA funding; the other half would be matched by the county.

“We are in jeopardy of losing that funding,” Williams said. “I wanted to get questions and answers from St. Louis County (about) how can we spend that money and make sure we don’t lose it potentially to federal guidelines.”

The ARPA funding will expire at the end of the year.

“Clearly, there’s been a disconnect between the state and St. Louis County,” Williams said.

Williams letter reads, in part, “I am very concerned that due to St. Louis County’s inaction, we are in danger of losing our funding for the Police Intelligence Center.”

At Tuesday night’s county council meeting, Council Chair Shalonda Webb addressed the letter.

“We would like to know as well when the county executive will be moving forward on getting that center actually built,” Webb said.

Webb put all the responsibility for getting the project finally approved on Page.

“The council has done all that is within their authority to allocate and appropriate those funds,” Webb said. “None of the remaining responsibility is in control of the council. It all rests with the county executive.”

Page did not respond to Webb, but said he is looking forward to working with the council on the project.