ST. LOUIS — On Thursday, the use of ShotSpotters and calls for service after gunfire were key points in St. Louis Police Chief Robert Tracy’s presentation to the city’s public safety committee.
Chief Tracy expressed his desire to add ShotSpotters to the Dutchtown and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods. During his presentation, he played an audio clip for the committee where more than a dozen shots could be heard in just eight seconds.
Chief Tracy also provided a breakdown of the surveillance technology, stating that citywide there are 630 fixed cameras and 30 mobile cameras. Last year, there were more than 14,000 activations of ShotSpotters.
“We can connect guns being used throughout the city. When a gun is used, either once a shot is fired or during a crime, it is definitely going to be used again. We can identify the people who are using them by the areas they frequent and aim to get trigger pullers off the street to keep our communities safe,” said Chief Tracy.
He said that ShotSpotters provide vital information and technology for police officers.
“ShotSpotter alone is not going to solve or reduce crime. You need ShotSpotters, cameras, LPRs (License Plate Readers), good detective work, evidence, and forensics. It is one piece of the overall strategy,” said Chief Tracy. He added that funding for ShotSpotters comes from the department.