ST. LOUIS — the Saint Louis Zoo shared sad news about one of its long-time residents. Boris, a 36-year-old male cinereous vulture, has died. He was euthanized due to a painful eye disease he had been battling.

Despite the efforts of his care team to keep him comfortable, Boris’s condition worsened over time. The Zoo said it became clear that his comfort couldn’t be sustained, leading to the decision to euthanize him.

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Boris was a known figure at the zoo, one of the oldest cinereous vultures in human care. For over two decades, he entertained guests with his antics. He was often seen arranging sticks in his nest for his mate, Natasha, who had her own ideas about nest aesthetics and would quickly rearrange Boris’s handiwork to suit her tastes.

The Zoo said that Boris enjoyed spending time with his keepers, especially during training sessions and mist showers. He also had a passion for sorting through various nesting materials. Although Boris and Natasha never had chicks of their own, they were fantastic nest builders and incredibly devoted partners.

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Due to the loss of her mate, the Bird Care Team is spending more time with Natasha and she is receiving extra enrichment and attention from her keepers. The Zoo is collaborating with the Cinereous Vulture Species Survival Plan to ensure Natasha has companionship in the future.

The Zoo said Boris’s larger-than-life personality touched the hearts of his care team and everyone who had the pleasure of meeting him. He will be deeply missed.