ST. LOUIS – The Saint Louis Public Schools District has announced that those who possess a district credit card are being required to hand them back over.

The news comes after the district’s internal audit’s findings were released Tuesday.

All the credit cards that are under the district’s name will be turned into the chief financial officer.

The decision comes in recommendation from the 47-page management assessment, which specifically notes ways to prevent the same debt from reoccurring. Those recommendations focused on:

Credit card monthly cycle limits

Credit card policy and procedure conflicts—acceptable purchases

Credit card receipt and documentation retention

Cardholder agreement and purchasing card training

“We believe these measures will help maintain public trust and reflect our commitment to the highest standards of fiscal responsibility. We appreciate the cooperation of our staff in implementing these changes,” SLPS said in a release.

District credit cards will be given back to SLPS Monday, Dec. 16.

To view the district’s full report, click here.