ST. LOUIS – Police are tracking a string of car break-ins and thefts in south St. Louis County.
The incidents have left south county neighbors on edge over the last several days.
Video shows two individuals stealing an Escalade right outside the home of Andy and Christina Luesse around 7 a.m. Friday. The thieves came back just two days later, attempting to steal their truck as well.
“When guys are running around in broad daylight with AK’s and AR-15’s, yeah, that’s scary,” Andy said.
But the family lost more than a car. Christina’s daughter’s beauty pageant sash and crown were inside the stolen vehicle.
“She’s worked so hard to get this Missouri Teen title, and her…sash and crown,” Christina said. “It just means so much to her, and it’s irreplaceable. So, if somebody finds it, please send it back.”
Thieves also hit the nearby Blueberry Hill subdivision, with dozens of cars broken into and several even stolen. Garret Hitchcock says the thieves took his Jeep for a joyride.
“You don’t expect to wake up and sip a cup of Folger’s coffee and see people running through your front yard with assault rifles,” he said. “Not in St. Louis County.”
Out of all the items stolen, the Luesse’s say there’s one thing they want back the most: their peace of mind.
“It’s not fair. People move to Lindbergh and this district for the safety and the school district,” Christina said. “It’s not fair for this kind of crime to be going on.”
St. Louis County Police say this serves as a reminder to lock their cars and take any valuables inside.