FERGUSON, Mo. – The Ferguson City Council has approved the installation of 109 speed humps city-wide, with construction scheduled to begin this fall.
A total of forty-five streets across the city will now have speed humps.
Ames PlGeorgia AveOlympia Dr (Ford to Florissant)Barat AveGerald PlPayne (N. of Woodstock)Blanding AveHartnett AvePowell AveBrotherton LnHentschel PlRobertCarson DrHighmont (Forestwood to Hartnett)RoyalCastro DrHighmont (W. Flo to Forestwood)S. ClarkChurch StreetHunter Ridge DrS. HarveyCoppinger DrJanuary DrSmithDarst RdLa Motte LnSmithshireDeandell CtLang DrSt. Louis AveDerinda AveLaurel AveSuburbanDupree AveMarguerite AveSuburban (close to planter in median)Dyerdown AveMeadowcrestWaysideForestwood AveMillman Dr (Near BTC)WoodstockFrost AveNancy PlWooster (Ford to Florissant)To learn more check out the City’s website.
This project is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which has supported a total of 242 projects in the St. Louis area.
Both speed bumps and speed humps are designed to slow down traffic. Speed humps are typically used where traffic needs to flow smoothly while still slowing down for pedestrians. If a vehicle goes over a speed hump too quickly, it may cause a jolt, leading to discomfort for passengers and disturbance to any cargo.