ST. CHARLES, Mo. – St. Charles High School and Lindenwood University serve as the backdrop for an upcoming teen comedy about a metalhead.

“Greg’s Going to Rehab,” a coming-of-age comedy and drama, features actors and actresses from across the country, including Jim Beaver, featured in “Deadwood” and “Supernatural,” and Jack Falahee, featured in “How to Get Away with Murder” and “Mercy Street.”

The film centers around the life of Greg Walker, a 16-year-old metalhead who is determined to see an Ozzy and Metallica concert.

There are a few obstacles in his way, such as failing grades, frequent partying, and his disappointed parents. His plan is to attend a quick session of rehab to get his parents off his back so he can see the show on time.

“It was inspired a little bit by my own experience of wayward youth, but at the same point, my life wasn’t that interesting and it wasn’t that fun,” Chris Lawing, “Greg’s Going to Rehab” writer and director, said. “I had some fun writing it and deviating from it while changing a lot of the details.”

Lawing is also releasing an additional feature tomorrow on Apple and Amazon.

The film has partnered with Lindenwood University, which has allowed them to use their campus for additional sets, helping them make this movie happen as a low-budget and independent feature, Lawing says.

The film has been staying in the St. Charles area, and St. Charles High School offered the film to use their cafeteria as a set.

“Making a feature film with a low budget is like digging a house foundation with a shovel so we need lots of people to pick up shovels to help make this possible,” Lawing said.

“Greg’s Going to Rehab” is a Mercury Films production. The film’s release is tentative but will be pushed through the film festival circuit after editing in the fall.