ST. LOUIS — Today marks the final day of the current session for the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, with two significant bills up for final passage. The session is set to begin at 10 a.m. at City Hall.

One of the bills under consideration is Board Bill 105, sponsored by Alderman Shane Cohn, which seeks to reintroduce red light cameras in St. Louis through the Automated Camera Enforcement Act. This legislation would authorize the installation of automated traffic control systems across the city and establish guidelines for prosecuting traffic violations captured on camera. Advocates of the bill argue that these systems have historically reduced collisions and improved public safety, although the use of red light cameras had been halted previously due to legal challenges.

The second bill, Board Bill 232, sponsored by Alderwoman Laura Keys, aims to expand the Missouri Safe Place for Newborns Act, known locally as the Safe Haven Baby Box program. Currently, the only participant in the state’s effort is the Mehlville Fire Protection District. This bill would allow for the installation of a temperature-controlled incubator at Engine House 17, providing a safe and anonymous place for parents to surrender newborns up to 45 days old without facing legal repercussions. The initiative was prompted by a successful instance in February when a baby girl was safely left at Mehlville’s baby box.

Following today’s session, the Board of Aldermen will commence its new session Tuesday.