ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – A new police precinct and intelligence center is coming to St. Louis County.

The county is now soliciting bids for the construction of a state-of-the-art public safety facility in Maryland Heights that will house St. Louis County Police Precinct #2.

“What’s happening that’s going to be included are community rooms. They can have their meetings—their neighborhood watch meetings there. So, the community has been involved in the planning,” St. Louis County Police Chief Col. Kenneth Gregory said.

“Within that two-story building, we’ll have the new property and evidence room, which we’ve outgrown over the years in Clayton. There will be an intelligence center with intelligence officers from other regions in St. Louis County.”

The people who track license plates will work out of the new, 50,000-square-foot Regional Intelligence Information Center, located at Adie and Dorsett roads.

“This second precinct is going to replace our current precinct on Ashby Road right now,” Gregory said.

To enhance their ability to protect and serve our community, the facility will consolidate key public safety resources under one roof, promoting collaboration and efficiency.

The cost? According to Chief Gregory, about $46 million; however, funds from the American Rescue Plan will cover about half of that amount.

“We put in for (that) in Jefferson City and we had to match that in St. Louis County,” he said.

According to the St. Louis County Executive’s office, the largest percentage of the county’s general revenue budget goes to ensuring the police department has the staffing, training, equipment, and facilities needed for officers to do their jobs safely and effectively.

“The North County Precinct I worked in when I was a patrolman,” Gregory said. “So, you outgrow those areas and it’s been a need for quite some time.”

Bids are due by April 30. Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2024.