ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – The St. Louis County Council may be making changes to a controversial proposal that could have given council members the power to remove the county executive from office.

According to our partners at the Post-Dispatch, the county council was originally talking about a bill that would have given them the authority to fire County Executive Sam Page. Now, that idea appears to be out and the focus instead is on department heads.

Councilmember Rita Heard Days was among those supporting the original bill at a meeting on Jan. 7. That original legislation would have asked voters to approve a change to the county charter, giving the seven-member county council the ability to remove the county executive with five votes even though the county executive is an elected official. The original bill also applied to department heads who are appointed by the county executive.

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Now, the potential new legislation would remove the council’s ability to fire the county executive and would only allow the council to fire department heads. It appears a vote of the people would still be needed to give the council the authority to dismiss department heads. This entire issue could appear on the April 8 ballot.

Some council members met Tuesday to discuss the possible revisions to the bill but Days did not officially introduce any new legislation on the issue at Tuesday night’s meeting.