ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – The St. Louis County Council passed a controversial measure Tuesday that could give them the power to remove county department heads.

The story comes from our partners at Post-Dispatch. The council passed the measure on Tuesday night by a six-to-one vote, with Council member Lisa Clancy, from Maplewood, being the only member to vote against it, calling the move an overreach. The ordinance is still pending before voters, and County Executive Sam Page is expected to take action against it.

North County Council Member Rita Heard-Days is sponsoring the measure. Days told the Post-Dispatch that council members need the power to fire department heads because the council has dealt with “chronic stonewalling” under County Executive Page’s administration. The new measure initially included a clause allowing the council to also fire the county executive but that was removed.

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County department heads are appointed by the county executive. Having the authority to fire them would give the council more power over areas like budget decisions. The ordinance would also give the council the power to fire the county’s top attorney.

Under the measure, the county council would have the power to fire directors with five “yes” votes on the council. But this ordinance still has to be approved by voters before it becomes law. The measure is expected to appear on the April 8 ballot.

Doug Moore, a spokesperson for County Executive Page, tells the post that Page will veto the ordinance. There is some question though over whether Page can veto a ballot measure approved by the council.