ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – Public health officials in St. Louis County have confirmed that a man died last week in the first heat-related death this summer.
A medical examiner confirmed that a man in his 50s from west St. Louis County died due to extreme heat.
The extreme heat is expected to continue throughout the summer. When the temperature rises above 95 degrees, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health recommends the following:
Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
Spend as little time as possible in the sun and keep activity levels to a minimum.
Drink plenty of cool, non-alcoholic beverages, especially those without sugar or
Certain demographics should also increase their water intake and electrolyte
replacement, including pregnant people, unhoused, and people with substance use
Take regular breaks in the shade or in an air-conditioned room.
Eat light, easily digested foods and avoid hot, heavy, or greasy meals.
Be sure not to leave food unrefrigerated for long, as food spoils rapidly in the heat.
Take care of those who might not be aware of the danger or able to react
accordingly—especially young children and the elderly. Check on your neighbors
and relatives if they may be vulnerable or do not have air conditioning.
Do not leave children or anyone else unattended in a hot vehicle. Internal vehicle
temperatures can reach 150 degrees.
Know the signs of heat exhaustion. If someone becomes dizzy, nauseated, or
sweats heavily, find a cooler location for them immediately.
Know the signs of heat stroke. Heat stroke is much more serious than heat
exhaustion. The symptoms are similar to heat exhaustion, but sweating normally
stops and the person may have hot, flushed skin. If heat stroke is a possibility, call
911 immediately. Heat stroke is life-threatening.
Residents are also advised to protect their pets whenever the temperature rises. Here are some tips that can keep pets safe during the hot weather:
Make sure pets have ample drinking water and check regularly to make sure it
is clean and fresh. Adjust the amount of water for the size and number of pets
in the area. You can also spray your pet with water to help cool them off.
Provide shade for pets when they are outside. A pen near trees will work or you
can fasten a sunroom screen to the sides and top of the pen to provide shade.
Never leave your pet unattended in a hot vehicle.
If a person is unable to keep their home cool and needs a cooling center, he or she is advised to call the United Way of Greater St. Louis at 1-800-427-4626 or dial 2-1-1.
For more information and resources on how to prevent heat-related illness, visit the CDC Extreme Heat webpage here.