ST. LOUIS — The St. Louis Hero Network awards the annual Michael V. Langsdorf Memorial Police Fire EMS Scholarship.

This year, the award went to Courtney Harris, a former Arnold police officer now training to become a paramedic. The scholarship will fully cover her coursework and is being awarded to her in honor of St. Charles County Paramedic Michael Clarke.

“I’ll be able to say that I went to Paramedic School because of the Langsdorfs. It made it all more special to be able to honor Kaleb’s father throughout the process, continue his name, and keep him alive throughout my career,” said Courtney Harris.

“You just have to be a special kind of person to go into law enforcement, EMS, and emergency services. I think my dad was obviously fearless, and brave. Courtney, for instance, embodied everything that, you know, we wanted to pass on,” said Kaleb Langsdorf.

Tonight’s event was held at the St. Charles County Ambulance District in St. Peters.