ST. LOUIS — Wind and allergies don’t mix. Many notice an uptick in allergy symptoms on windy days because of an increase in pollen levels.

Even though many of our trees have already bloomed, allergen levels are high one to two weeks early because of the warm spring. Ellen Sulser, the volunteer and citizen science coordinator at Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, explained what trees are the main cause.

“Our wind-pollinated plants, like oaks and river birches, are all sending out pollen right now in hopes of reaching a flower. Unfortunately, sometimes it ends up in our noses instead, which can have some respiratory effects,” said Sulser.

We see flowering trees like cherries and dogwoods and may think of pollen but we don’t experience those trees as allergens.

“They bloom with the intent of attracting bees. When it comes to seasonal allergies, trees that rely on the wind to pollinate tend to be the real culprits. Because their pollen goes farther and is spread farther, it tends to be more irritating to us,” she said.

In partnership with local health experts, Forest ReLeaf is hosting an event on Arbor Day, April 27th, at the Scott Joplin House, where the public can learn more.

“Centered around trees and the power of breath, it’ll be an opportunity for the community to ask experts questions about seasonal allergies as they relate to trees,” said Sulser.

If you would like more information about Arbor Day event, check out this link.