ST. LOUIS – A 36-year-old St. Louis-area woman visiting the island of Puerto Rico on vacation damaged and set fire to multiple family-owned businesses.

Federal investigators say her motive was because they wouldn’t serve her alcohol.

St. Peters resident Danielle Bertothy, was caught on surveillance cameras carrying a container of gasoline and setting a bar, restaurant, store and hotel ablaze just after midnight on Jan. 2, endangering the lives of 20 guests.

After being interviewed by police, Bertothy cut her vacation short and fled the island.

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She was arrested here in St. Louis on Thursday. Puerto Ricans here in St. Louis are disturbed and angered by Bertothy’s actions.

Hector Vega of the Puerto Rican Society of St. Louis said, “We all have drinks, but I don’t know. I never had thoughts of, after drinks, going to do something like this.”

The society has been pushing for her arrest and communicating with the owners of the impacted businesses back in Puerto Rico.

“We feel very relieved that justice is starting to be served,” Vega said.