ST. LOUIS – Lois and Robert McClure are devastated over the December shooting that took the life of their son, Jason McClure. Police have released surveillance images of three potential subjects, which could help in solving the murder.
The 42-year-old handyman was shot and killed in the Bevo Mill neighborhood.
McClure said his son was involved with his church and expected him to soon become the church’s full-time maintenance worker.
“My wife and I have not had a day that we haven’t cried,” Robert MClure said.
He is hopeful an arrest will be made and asks for anyone who potentially recognizes three potential subjects from surveillance imaging to contact the St. Louis Regional CrimeStoppers at 866-371-TIPS.
“I feel like they need to pay justice for what they’ve done,” said McClure.
The images and a video can be viewed here with this link.
Police have not gone into any details about a possible motive. The McClure’s say their son was in an argument that appeared to be resolved, but Jason was shot as he left the area of Bates and Gravois.
The McClures are comforted by condolence messages expressing how much Jason meant to others. “I’ll be wanting to see him in heaven when I get there,” said Robert McClure. “It’s a hard thing.”