ST. LOUIS – Washington University confirmed Sunday that police arrested 100 people on Saturday night on its campus connected to a protest that erupted over the war in Gaza. Students, faculty, and activists were among those arrested, according to the release.

The university confirmed that 23 students were arrested on Saturday. Our partners at the St. Louis Post Dispatch obtained letters sent out to those student-protestors, informing them they’d been temporarily suspended for their participation in the protest. The notices inform the students that they are no longer permitted on campus, effective immediately.

According to the group Resist WashU those students had just hours to move out of student housing.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested Saturday amid the protest. St. Louis City Alderwomen Megan Green and Alisha Sonnier also took part in the protest.

The group Faculty for Justice in Palestine at WashU rebuked the university’s actions, adding that they are “horrified by the violent use of force against protestors.”

The university released a statement on Sunday regarding their response to the protest. It can be read here or below:

On Saturday, April 27, a large group of individuals entered the Washington University campus with the intention of causing a significant disruption to the university. The group, which included WashU students and employees as well as many individuals not affiliated with the university, marched to multiple campus locations, pitched tents, and indicated that they did not intend to leave. They also put out a call for more people to come to campus to join their demonstration.

It quickly became clear through the words and actions of this group that they did not have good intentions on our campus and that this demonstration had the potential to get out of control and become dangerous. When the group began to set up a camp in violation of university policy, we made the decision to tell everyone present that they needed to leave. We arrested 100 individuals who refused to leave after being asked multiple times. This number includes 23 WashU students and 4 university employees. All face charges of trespassing and some may also be charged with resisting arrest and assault, including for injuries to three police officers who sustained injuries including a severe concussion, a broken finger, and a groin injury.

We are firmly committed to free expression and allow ample opportunity for voices to be heard on our campus. However, we expect everyone to respect our policies and we will take swift action to enforce them to their fullest extent.