ST. LOUIS – Thousands of students experienced a third snow day in a row Wednesday, with the possibility of more as another winter weather system is approaching Thursday evening. Some districts say it’s a tough decision to make, as many families deal with the extended holiday break.

Districts are trying to figure out when it will be safe for the students to return.

“They look at all the factors—road conditions, the ability for staff to get in, and transport and safety,” Rockwood School District’s Mary LaPak said. “We have students who walk to school…so we want to make sure our campus is safe.”

Officials with Rockwood School District say they put the safety of students first when making the tough decision to cancel school.

For Kristen Roberts and her two children, it was all smiles during Christmas break. But now emotions are high as that break has been extended.

List: St. Louis area school & business closings

“It’s been hectic. I work from home. While they are out of school, there is arguing and stuff, but for the most part, they keep each other occupied. We’ve been doing some activities and putting together Christmas gifts they got, but I’d much rather have them here than stuck on a school bus,” Roberts said.

Her children, 16-year-old Makayla, is a junior at Francis Howell Central High School, and her 3-year-old Jacob attends the district’s early childhood center. The family says they now have cabin fever and can’t wait to return to the classroom.

“It’s been three days, but they were also on winter break, so it’s like the third week at this point. I think they’re ready to get out of the house,” Roberts added.

Makayla said, “I love being at home, but I’d much rather be at school.”

With the way things are shaping up, some districts have already called off Thursday. To check closings, click here.